
Illustratives. Memoirs.

“Scribbles started with my lack of sketching being incorporated in my daily schedule, which is where resolution towards daily scribbling took shape, until a point where I felt I was getting stagnated/tied down with my sketching style (overloads of line rendering without which there would be a spate of under confidence). On a parallel note, the animal rescues kept happening. Saved some lives, lost lots. Each street animal lost would leave a void inside which would linger on for days together until the next rescue showed up (sometimes in a matter of hours).

A scratch you can’t itch, a dark hole you can't fill. This is where I stumbled upon scribbling as an outlet for that unspoken emotion. The silent screaming slowly turned to packets of joy!

Developed over an impulsive sabbatical taken in the enchanting hills of Himachal in 2016, the animal scribbles found a place in my heart after a lot of experimentation over breaking the bubble of my then prevailing pen to paper style.

Clean simple lines, more like… scribbles.” - Faizan Khatri


In an attempt to express his/her nature, the traits are exhibited through the medium of these lines.

Each scribble represents a soul existing on the streets.


Whilst observing the lives the street animals endure, the unspoken turmoil in times of distress, the scribbles have been instrumental in reminding me to look up to their smiles, their resilience, the innocence in their happiness...

maybe they will for you too…


“ If the scribbles get you present to their existence, their state of being, perhaps then we would be getting closer to the intent I started off with.”